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Rising Stars Program


What is Rising Stars?

Rising Stars is the next stage of development after CanSkate for skaters who demonstrate enhanced ability & potential to pursue figure skating. This program is taught by our Kimberley Skating Club Skate Canada certified coaches, introduces skaters to the foundations of figure skating. Participation within the program is by invitation only.

The program will help skaters finish their stage 4-6 badges as well as introduce skaters to the disciplines of figure skating: skills, dance and freeskate incorporating lessons in each area. 

Skaters need to know the expectations of this program. Some expectations include:

  • Hair must be tied back and away from face.
  • Skating attire must be worn – no jeans, long scarves, etc.
  • Skaters must wear gloves while on the ice.
  • Skaters must get up promptly after a fall, unless injured.
  • No standing in the middle of the ice.
  • Promote good sportsmanship by encouraging fellow skaters and respecting their work time on the ice. 

Special Days and Other Events
You will receive a calendar each session which will list special ‘theme’ days and other important reminders for the skaters.

Important Parent Information

Most department and sports stores and specialty skate shops sell skating equipment in a variety of price and quality ranges. Before buying skates, check carefully for:

  • proper fit
  • firm ankle support
  • good quality leather
  • correct blade placement

Avoid buying skates that are a larger size. Please check when your child has the skates on that the skates ‘stand up straight’. There are some entry-level skates that have the blades riveted on at odd angles making skating impossible. We will communicate with any parent whose child has a pair of skates that will restrict learning.
When tying your child’s skates, if there is excess lace, please hook it around the hooks a few more times, or cut the lace to a good size. 

**Please do not wrap the laces around your child’s ankle.


  • sharpen skates as soon as they are purchased
  • use a good skate-sharpening company
  • re-sharpen skates after approximately 30 hours of skating (depending on usage and care)
  • the bottom pick should not be removed on figure skates – the pick is part of the design of figure skates and is essential to proper balance


**Helmets are mandatory on CanSkate sessions. Please make sure your child is wearing a CSA certified hockey helmet if they have not yet passed their stage 5 CanSkate Badge. If you are unsure, please contact a coach. 

Preventing an injury is better than dealing with one. Skate Canada clubs and coaches plan sessions with “safety first” in mind. Here are basic safety rules that skaters should follow on every Skate Canada session:

  • Equipment should be checked regularly to see that it is appropriate, fits and is in good condition.
  • Do warm ups and cool downs which include stroking and slow stretching. Some of these exercises may be done off the ice.
  • Any skater with a previous injury must be 100% recovered before returning to the ice.
  • Get up quickly after falling down
  • Look in the direction of travel when skating backwards
  • No pushing, playing tag or bumping into others or the boards
  • No gum or candy on the ice
  • Sharp objects should not be carried in pockets
  • Starts and stops should be done a safe distance from the boards.
  • Laces should be tucked into the top of the boot. The laces should never be wrapped around the top of the boot as it is a safety hazard and circulation to the foot may be cut off.

Coaches and club administrators should be advised of any skaters with special medical condition.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us using the information below:

Jessica Grajczyk-