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Figure Skating


Figure Skating offers athletes the opportunity to experience the challenge of taking tests or entering competitions at the provincial, national, and international level.  There are 2 main categories:  STARSkate and CompetitiveSkate.  When you register for a Figure Skating program, you also become a member of Skate Canada and will have access to:

  • Opportunities to be recognized through a nationally standardized testing system
  • Complimentary Gold Test pins
  • Opportunity to enter competitions
  • Special club functions
  • Opportunity for personal growth and the development of important life skills such as goal-setting, self-discipline, confidence, time management, coping strategies to deal with success/failure, and principles of fair play/sportsmanship.


STARSkate offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in four areas – Skating Skills, Ice Dance, Free Skate and Interpretive. This program teaches figure skating skills in a progressive and sequential manner and offers opportunities to take tests through Skate Canada’s testing system.

  • Skating Skills are a combination of fundamental skating movements, executed on a pattern and skated solo. The objective of the Skating Skills program is mastery of the basic fundamentals of skating – edge quality, control, power and speed.
  • The Ice Dance program teaches timing, musicality, rhythm, and interpretation, as well as basic skating skills such as edges, flow, control and unison.  In addition to the traditional compulsory dances, there are also Creative Dances to challenge skaters’ creativity, artistry and originality.
  • Free Skating consists of the execution of jumps, spins, footwork, field movements and stroking, either in isolation or performed in sequence to music.  There are several Free Skating tests, which consist of two parts – Elements in Isolation and a Free Program.
  • The Artistic program encourages and develops skaters’ creativity, expression, musicality, movement, and interpretation of music.  This program provides skaters with the opportunity to explore the performance aspect of skating without focusing on technical elements. Skaters can take Interpretive tests as individuals and/or as a couple.

Competitive Skate:

CompetitiveSkate is a program for skaters in singles, pair and ice dance wishing to compete in qualifying events within Skate Canada. In addition to the life skill benefits, skaters in this program receive:

  • access to provincial and national funding programs
  • the opportunity to be selected to Skate Canada’s National Team
  • the opportunity to compete at Skate Canada Sectionals, Skate Canada Challenge, and/or the Canadian Figure Skating Championships
  • opportunity and potential to be selected to represent Canada internationally